Thursday, January 24, 2008

GREEN-PE, the poetic infection

"Are you already sick of art? The only way to know it is try our test: try to become a poet with our poetic karaoke.
If you get bored, don't worry, you are OK. You won't become a looser.
If you fell the soul of the verse when you repeat it, you are infected.
If you are so, maybe you have to try our vaccine: try to life with stolen works."

Video-art made by Ytaelena López and Koral García (GrupoGrama) in 2002 with the collaboration of many Venezuelan poets.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mal de ojo: RU –T- INA

Un león se ha soltado en su pecho
Reclamando un tributo imposible
Que lo pone a sudar gotas de semen
Desde su cómoda poltrona
Frente al televisor.
Nadie lo sabe
Nunca se supo
Cuando las miradas de fiebre recorrieron su estambre empapándolo de hambre de emociones más fuertes que la soledad de una certeza tan ciega como la predecible plata


Desde su cómoda poltrona.

Mal de ojo II.jpg

dibujo e ilustración de Ytaelena López

Monday, January 14, 2008

Mal de ojo VI: CAL

Mal de ojo VI.jpg
Originally uploaded by alrevez

¿Qué sabor tendrían las paredes cuando sudan después de un largo día de miserias blancas?
Días de besos obligados a la estaca de la risa
Parece sexo
Sudando humedad dulzona desde las bolsas de basura
Parecen lagrimas
Demasiado densas para circular por las cloacas tapadas
Parecen hojas
Pero como no sé escribir nadie puede leer el silencio.

(Dibujo y poema de YTA)

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My pussycat is hungry

My pussycat are hungry.JPG
Originally uploaded by alrevez

¡Grrrr.! Arrr!

Me voy a almorzar a un músico
A ver si me sabe tocar
Y saca melodías
De mis órganos internos

(Poema de Ytaelena López)
(The sculture is a detail of "BItch: welcome to America! " (2008)
Window-Installation in A.T.A. San Francisco. More information here)

Friday, January 04, 2008

BÏTCH, Welcome to America!

arre bitcht!.jpg

BÏTCH, Welcome to America!

Woman, immigrants, latinos... many groups at many times carry the
weight of the system on their shoulders. The are promised rewards (for them, or perhaps their children) as long as they conform. What is the promise? Assimilation, acceptance and wealth.

This video-installation explores the mundane horror of a human being reduced to an "animal" through behavioral conditioning. There has been a lot of (in our opinion, not enough) resistance to it. Just as the current fashion holds that everything is "information", or the older philosophic fashion of "utility", Skinner's behaviorist regime only works if you throw away much of what makes us human.

Artists' Television Access (ATA
992 Valencia Street (at 21st)
San Francisco, CA 94110

Friday, January 11, 2007. 7:00 PM Free

Window Installation of YTAELENA LOPEZ & CARLOS BUENO