Saturday, January 31, 2009

Name of the show: THE LIVING MAP: geotaging the dreams
Kind: A multimedia interactive installation
Where: The Blue House
When: February 7, 2009 8 pm to 10 pm
Who: Valentina Vitols and Ytaelena López
Description: THE LIVING MAP intent to do a cartografy of the hopes of the people that moves all around the America Continent.
The map have windows with photografies of childs (made by the Seattle based artist Valentina Vitols) and drawings of adults from Latin America (made by me), in a effort to give a human face to the abstract notion that we have of America (the whole continent). The people are invitingto write in post-it and locate in the map the place that they would like to be right now and why.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I (Pronoun)

No me había dado cuenta que estaba participando en la expocisión "I (pronoun)"

Estaba tan ocupada tratanto de sobrevivir que me olvidé que, hace mucho tiempo atrás, había mandado mi autoretrato a Projekt30, una galería virtual de EEUU.

En esta galería también he participado en las siguientes colectivas:

A Dark glaskly